Monday, June 9, 2008

Domestically Speaking...

Well, I took the plunge into a more domesticated life. I bought my first sewing machine this weekend in hopes to make some window coverings for my living room and bedroom. I practiced making some bibs in order to get the hang of it and I have to say I felt great pride in seeing something functional get created from my use of the machine. Anyway, I have some more practice to do, but I'm really excited about opening up this new world of domestic possibilities. I can see why my mom finds great pleasure in sewing. I would call her a master seamstress, though she might not. I called her yesterday to tell her about my adventures in sewing and she was glad to hear that at least one of her daughters is trying her hand at sewing!


Joy said...

Great work on the bibs! I've been working on a bunch of bibs myself this week (25 of them, in fact, assembly-line style).

Owning a sewing machine comes in very handy.

Melanie said...

Joy - I used a bib that you gave me for Mallory as my pattern. I thought about you while I was sewing!!!

So, why are you making bibs?

Shannon said...

We'll have to have a sewing night some time...I have a few things I've been thinking of making. It would be nice to have the company!

Melanie said...

Shannon - That sounds great!

Joy said...

The bibs are for babies!

But seriously, when I get the urge, I like to make up a bunch to have on hand for gifts. I've never regretted having them already made.

I like your applique idea.