Monday, February 26, 2007

10 months...

Mallory was 10 months old eariler this month. I've been WAY behind in the pictures, but better late than never! The day I took these pictures, it had snowed the day before and it was REALLY muddy outside. I took hardly any pictures because of the weather and we were leaving that afternoon to go to Charlotte for a QUICK trip. Patrick had a training class there for a few days and we were able to spend some time with Patrick's folks and a few other friends. It was nice, but a LOT of driving!

Anyway, our little girl is growing so fast. She's now crawling, pulling up, and cruising...all within the past week! She's been a challenge to figure out lately since her sleeping and eating schedules are not what they used to be. She doesn't sleep as much as she used to and isn't finishing her bottles either. Yet, she still is busy in her play and still has a sweet disposition. I think back over the last 10 months and I still can't believe all that has conspired. Whew!

Happy 10 months, Mallory. Mommy loves you.


Unknown said...

Happy 10 months, Mallory!

Melanie, it's pretty normal for their schedules to get messed up when they get more mobile. It'll settle out in a week or two. Plus the trip to Charlotte threw her off for sure!

Spirit of Adoption said...

She's so precious!! It's hard to believe she's almost a year....but then in light of Karis being 5 only makes sense! How does time go so fast??? So sorry her schedule is off - hope it finds its way back to "normal" soon!!!