Monday, August 20, 2007

My Mischevious One

It's hard to believe it's been 16 months since Mallory has been born. I don't think I realized how "old" she was until yesterday. We had woke her up from her nap around 4:30 so she wouldn't sleep too long into the early evening. She was still very tired and groggy and really wanted to just snuggle, which is RARE now that she everywhere! Patrick popped in a "Praise Baby" video, which are her favorite ones to watch, and she just laid on my chest while I reclined on our couch. Oh, how I soaked in the lovin'! Though it only lasted about 10 minutes until she wanted to sit (on my lap, at least!), I revelled in the feeling of snuggling my daughter, stroking her hair, and breathing in her baby scent.
I barely remember when she was a newborn and she didn't have a choice when we held her...chest on chest or cradled in the nook of our arms. Now, she won't even sit for 5 seconds, except at bedtime and she's got her lovey to hold. When I was snuggling her last night, I realized now how those moments are going to be even fewer as she gets older and it saddened me. I miss those times with her, though I TOTALLY enjoy this phase of growing independence. I'm anticipating those snuggle moments with my son, which I know will pass ever too quickly. But, those moments will be here before we know it. Our little Ethan Price...

Today, I was preparing for a photo shoot I have this afternoon and took a couple quick snaps of Mallory. I have my crude "studio" set up in what will be the baby's nursery, which is now closed off to Mallory temporarily, since we have pieces of the crib, mattress and changing table in there waiting to be put together. I opened up the room today and Mallory was glad to see some of her toys that have been stowed away for a few days. She went from one to the other, moving around like a hummingbird finding the blooms with the most nectar in a flower bush! Here are a few of my little mischievious girl, now a whopping 16-months old!

1 comment:

beth said...

I love that first one, Melanie. Lovely and what a cute smile! We miss you.