Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Me and E

I have been wanting to take more pics lately that are more on the creative side than formal portriature, but I've put other things ahead of this. I think that once I'm behind a camera taking pictures and then looking at them, I enjoy seeing what is produced, though I am often critical of my work which, in turn, helps me get better. Here is my creative pic for today. I hope to do this daily which means I need to keep my "big" camera within arms reach, which is difficult to do with curious hands in the house. It can be a goal, though, right?

Though I may not post my works daily, I will try as often as I can. You are my accountability.


Unknown said...

Great pictures, all!

Go to soulemama.typepad.com for some inspiration/eye candy!

Courtney said...

Love it! Yah, I have lofty photo goals as well. I have so many ideas for pics. Just not enough time to do them. Good luck to ya! Luv ya...

beth said...

I love this picture, Melanie. Keep it up. You're such a wonderful photographer. I'll enjoy seeing more!