Tuesday, June 5, 2007

16 things

I was "tagged" by my friend Kelly a few weeks ago to list 8 things people might not know about me. I'm just now getting around to it. Since I have a few extra minutes (Mallory went down for her nap a bit early!!!), I'll do Mallory and me.

Mallory's 8 things
1. She's trying VERY hard to make walking her primary means of getting around. Though she's still wobbly, she's getting really good at it. And it's SOOO fun to watch!
2. She loves looking at herself in a mirror.
3. She loves opening and closing cabinets. If you have a cabinet, she'll find it. And she'll open it. And close it. And open it. And close it. And...
4. She's starting to not go to sleep as easy as she used to. She cries for a good 30-45 mintues or even longer before she'll finally snooze. This has been going on for about a week, now. She also can't decide if she's a one-napper or a two-napper. It confuses me, though I'm trying to figure her out.
5. She loves watermelon. She doesn't like mac n' cheese. Go figure. (PS...I LOVE mac n' cheese. It's my comfort food).
6. When she takes a bath, she'll get on her hands and feet and slap her butt against the water. I call it "rump shaking". Patrick doesn't like it when she does it (though we both find it very amusing).
7. She still does not wave or clap. No matter how much we wave and clap at her.
8. She loves Praise Baby. She'll watch the same 2 PB videos over and over and over. She won't make a peep while the video is on. And if you get in her way, she'll do anything she can to look around you. It's absolutely mezmerizing to her. I'm just hoping the words of those songs are soaking into her brain!!!

My 8 things
1. I look forward to when Mallory takes her naps so I can take one of my own. I love having a 2-3 hour span of time where I can either catch up on my never-ending list, read, bathe, or sleep. Sleep usually trumps the former options.
2. I don't like making phone calls. I have no clue why, but when I have to call businesses, set up apts, or sometimes even to chat with a friend, I just drag my feet about it. I don't mind talking on the phone with a friend; I enjoy it, but it takes me forever to dial the numbers. It's a weird thing about me.
3. I find great accomplishment when I cook and all the items either baking, steaming, boiling, grilling, etc. are done at the same time. I feel it's an art (though it really may not be) and I find great satisfaction in serving all my meal items piping hot. If one dish is ready before another, I feel I've failed. Strange, yes.
4. I love a good book. If I find a book that really moves me, inspires me, or I just plain enjoy, I'll read it at least 3 times. There are a few books in my collection that I've literally read a dozen times.
5. I love to plan trips. Again, I find great satisfaction in booking cheap hotels, finding cheap flights, and organizing the itinerary. I'm actually planning one now and it's SOOO fun.
6. I struggle greatly with buying things (food, clothes, housewares, etc) at full price. Unless I find a sale or buy something with coupon, I will often experience buyers remorse.
7. I absolutely hate wearing bathing suits. Always have.
8. I have a difficult time planning activities outdoors. Since I grew up in FL, I spent A LOT of time in the AC, unless we went swimming. We vacationed in the mountains and did a few things outdoors, but I never really was a hiker, walker, outdoor-gamer, etc. I'm trying, though, since I don't want Mallory to love the couch as much as me. Since our weather up here is SOOO much more mild than anywhere else I've lived, I'd like to be outdoors more. I just forget about it sometimes. Odd, yes, I know.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm with you on #s 2, 4, and 6.

Glad Mallory is walking around! It is so much fun to watch, isn't it?!