Friday, November 21, 2008

Strides better today

I woke up this morning VERY early with my hubby and spent some time in I Thes 5. Verses/Phrases like "be patient with everyone", "be joyful always", "pray continually", and "give thanks in all circumstances" really caused me to check myself. I've thought about these verses a lot today and I'm more prone to pray my way through this.

I've thought that Mallory might not be ready, but she also might be. She did pee pee in the potty today...after holding it for 6 hours. We both got VERY excited and we were both happy that the "staying close to the potty" vigil was over. Mallory has been running around pantless and the little potty chair has been in the kitchen, living room and bathroom today. Mal has been content with reading her books on the potty, even for an hour and a half this afternoon. When she finally went, she screamed "I did it"! Well, she says that when she doesn't do it, too, but at least I was able to be in positive agreeance this time!

Anyway, I don't think I'm ready to turn back; I've already started and stopped once before. I don't want to quit just because it's hard for me right now. I think I'm going to at least give it a week.

A few other things happening around here:

1. Patrick is working his tail off. He's had a shift in responsibilities and is seeing more patients rather than managing these days. His stress level has greatly reduced, though with an increasing patient load, he still spends lots of time on the road and on paperwork.
2. Ethan is REALLY trying to walk. He's been taking several steps here and there. I've have some funny video to upload.
3. I'm getting ready to sing a solo in church on Sunday. I haven't sung a solo in church for at least 6 years (well, except for my grandma's funeral). I'm excited and nervous.
4. We enjoyed some snow today here are some pics and a video will follow.


kara battel said...

jenn and i are planning on being there in the morning with our crews in tow! best of luck and we are so proud of you- what a brave momma you are! jenn and i can't hum a tune and sound horrible- i mean HORRIBLE! so we can't wait for you!

Melanie said...

Kara - it meant SO much to me to see you, Jenn and Maragaret there in the crowd. You guys are great friends and I'm very thankful for you!