I just found out from my mom this morning that my grandmother has been given days to weeks to live. Grandma has a staph infection in her blood that just can't be controlled. And if they try to control it with antibiotics, the side effects have included bleeding ulcers and blood clots, both of which are not good. My uncle, grandfater and grandmother have all decided that the best course of action is to bring her home and make her as comfortable as possible over the remainder of her life. Hospice is involved.
It's inevitable that she'll be passing very soon. I'm hoping to catch a flight down there later next week, but I was quickly reminded about Ike when I checked the weather forcast. It looks like he's going to hit FL, but I know forcasts change, especially of hurricanes. I need to use wisdom in this decision to purchase a ticket.
Anyway, please pray for my mom's family. Pray that my grandma will draw close to God in her final days. Pray that God will remove any fear she may have. Pray for grandpa, that God will show Himself evidently amidst the sorrow that is bound to come. Pray for my mom's siblings (David, Donna, Mike), that they may also see God and His goodnes in all things - even things that are dark and dim. Pray that I may get to see her again in this world. Though this is a selfish prayer, it may not be God's will so pray that I will accept it with a worshipful heart. Pray for Patrick as he will be watching the kids if (hopefully WHEN) I go. His mom is planning to come and help while I'm gone (thank you!!!).
Melanie, I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope that they can make her very comfortable. We'll be praying and please let us know what happens.
We'll be praying for you!
Praying for you!!
Ahhh, so sad for you all. We are absolutely with you and your family in prayer at this time. Praise God for that incredible peace that passes our limited understanding. We love you and are with you as you seek His guidance in the decisions you are needing to make.
Alister & Teresa.
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