Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I have SOOO many pictures that I'm behind in posting. And I still have to post about Christmas in Charlotte! We've hit the ground running since we got home on Sunday. I had a photo shoot yesterday amidst getting the kids flu shots, grocery shopping, picking up the dog from the kennel, laundry, yada yada yada. Maybe if I stay up 'til 3am I can get everything done...

We have our Christmas tonight, Christmas Eve service at church tomorrow and then leave for Gommy and Poppy's house Christmas morning. Sheesh. Tis the season!

Anyway, here are a few pics. I hope they speak for themselves without much description....


Am+a said...

Awesome light-saber, E-man.


I like the bathtub shot too. So sweet.

kara battel said...

okay... ethan crawling into the stone thing... that is pretty funny! hope that you keep your sanity through the next few days!!! merry eve of christmas eve!